Spis treści

The Hidden Therapies part 1

Autor:Jerzy Zięba
Wydawnictwo:Egida Consulting Sp. z o.o. Sp. j.
Liczba stron:342


Jerzy Zięba has been involved in naturotherapy for more than 20 years, especially in relation to natural methods of treatment and prevention of chronic diseases and cancer. The book Hidden Therapies was written after many years of analysing medical research or other publications, which are completely unknown even in the medical community. The author publishes articles in the press, as well as lectures on simple and effective methods of treatment and disease prevention without the use of artificially synthesised agents. He is a certified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia and the USA. He is also the translator of the book 'Cholesterol - a scientific lie', authored by Dr Uffe Ravnskov.

Dr. Rafał Baron

The application of the knowledge in this book can both prevent and heal diseases. It's fascinating reading, not only because of its content, but also on account of the way in shich it is written.


Dr. Antoni Krasicki

I thank the author for this interesting and extremely valuable book. I am sure it will serve as a valuable source of crucial information fot both patients and doctors.
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